2 Timothy 1:7

2 Timothy 1:7
"For I have not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind"

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


My sweet little Nikolai. I love the way you see the world. Everything is a huge adventure, and nothing can slow you down! I pray that you never lose that about you! There is a fierceness in your spirit, you are a go getter if you will. You are an encourager also. You do not like to see anyone upset, be it some one that you know or a stranger in the store who isn't smiling to your likeness. Not to long ago we were at a festival and you were on a ride, and every time you would pass your father and I, you would scream, "The guy running this ride looks mad!!" Oh, I am sure he heard you all seven times you went around. You thrive on making people laugh, until you feel that they are laughing at you instead of with you. Then I see a side of you that you hide more often than not, but a little bit of insecurity comes out. I pray against that daily, I want you to be comfortable in your own skin always. It is not at all a bad thing to be confident. Although you are only four years old, these are things that I love nurturing in you. I cherish every day we spend together, and I pray that as you grow our relationship only strengthens. I am truly sorry for the times that I am short tempered with you. I sometimes forget how to let you be a four year old and often expect you to act like an adult. Forgive me for such foolishness. Know that I want you to be a child. I long for you to be care-free! That is one of my favorite things about you is your ability to go into your own little world at any time. I would love be able to turn off what is going on around me and do what you do! You could be outside playing in dirt, but in your world you are an executive director ordering rocks for the biggest sale in the world! I love you, Nikolai. Your imagination. Your creativity. Your spunk. I just love you. I praise God for you daily.

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