2 Timothy 1:7

2 Timothy 1:7
"For I have not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind"

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

God's timing.

I will never forget the day that he asked me to be his wife. It was my eighteenth birthday, and he totally caught me off guard. I knew he had the ring, he was all but discreet the day he went shopping! He kept calling me asking if I liked gold or silver, and was just curious as to what size ring I wore. He had the jewel long before he ever proposed, but I knew that I knew that I knew, that Ryan was the man I would spend the rest of my life with. So many people had negative comments. Very few people actually encouraged us to go through with the wedding, but we were so in love with each other that none of that phased us at all. In fact, until writing this now I'm not sure that I ever stopped to realize how many people said we would never make it. So we got married just two short months after I graduated high school. We had a beautiful wedding, the only flaws were in the reception, but who cares?! My family was a group of troopers that year! They threw me a graduation party, a bridal shower, bought wedding gifts...and just months later through me a baby shower. I was 18 years old when we found out that we were pregnant with our sweet little Ramsay Keith. We were on cloud nine! We both wanted so badly to be parents, we were overjoyed. In this blog you will hear me talk of my children daily, they are my entire life! We didn't hear too many comments about me being a young mother, although we knew the opinions were out there. Looking back on it now at the age of 25, I will even admit that I was very young! I will get back to that soon, I'm setting something up here, you will see. We were one month shy of celebrating Ramsay's first birthday when we got the huge surprise that we were expecting again! This was a little different reaction for the both of us because we had not planned on having another baby so soon. All in all though, we were delighted! This is where the opinions started coming out! Here I was 20 years old and getting ready to have our second child! Not to mention we had almost three wonderful years of marriage at this point. Ups and downs certainly, but we were still so in love with each other and with the family that God was blessing us with. Now let us fast-forward to today. I found out on Monday that I have a severe case of Endometreosis. Tomorrow I go see my doctor again to schedule a date to do a hysterectomy. I just cannot get over thinking the passed couple of days how blessed I am to be called a mother. Had we not gotten married when we did and had our children when we did, aside from what everyone else thought, we may not have ever had children at all. My heart goes out to woman who cannot bear children. So in all of this tonight, what I would like for anyone reading this to take away--listen for God's voice in your life, because sometimes other people will try to drown out what God is telling YOU! I am so blessed to have listened to God in these seasons of my life. Have there been tough times being young parents? Yes!! I am not trying to say otherwise! I am glad to be in God's will though!

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